The Leader in the Home Inspection Industry

Allstate Home Inspections, Inc. is a leader in the Home Inspection Industry. Our trained professional inspectors use state-of-the-art equipment including electronic tablets for computerized reporting and digital photography to document any defects the inspector observes at time of inspection. We use the newest most technically advanced software and reporting tool, E-Reports. E-Reports are electronic detailed reports which are e-mailed to our customer on the same day as the inspection.


The inspector will perform a visual inspection of the exterior of the house, room-by-room inspection of the interior, and all the systems and components (air conditioning, electrical, plumbing, structural, etc.)


After the inspector has completed the home inspection, the inspector will download the report, including all documentation, digital photos, summary page and invoice. The report is then e-mailed to the buyer and their agents to view or print in the comfort of there home or office. The E-Report is formatted for easy viewing or printing.

Allstate Home Inspections has been using the E-Report since 2003, and we attribute our continued success on the professional, very informative, detailed and easy to read reports generated by our electronic reporting system.

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